Foodball field Site surface drainage method


The field of the gridiron is large and flat. It must meet the requirements of an extended game, therefore the drainage of the gridiron is extremely important. So, how does the synthetic turf drainage of the gridiron work? many of usdon't know it . Leiyuan Construction will introduce the development method of artificial turf drainage for football fields.

1. Site surface drainage method
This is a more commonly used method. With the vertical and horizontal slopes of the gridiron , the rainwater is drained out of the sector . It can exclude about 80% of the rainwater within the entire field. this needs accurate and really strict design slope values and construction requirements. at the present , an outsized number of artificial turf football fields are built, and detailed operations and strict standards are required during the development of the grassroots level, in order that rainwater are often effectively drained out.
The gridiron isn't purely flat, but the wants are turtle-shaped, that is, the center is high and therefore the four sides are low. this is often done to facilitate rain and drainage. It's just that because the court area is just too large and there's a lawn thereon , we will not see it.

Foodball field Site surface drainage method

2. Grassroots drainage method
The basic drainage method has two aspects of drainage. First, the residual water after surface drainage, seeped into the bottom through the loose grassroots soil, and at an equivalent time skilled the blind ditch within the grassroots and discharged into the ditch outside the location . On the opposite hand, it also can isolate groundwater and maintain the natural water content of the surface, which is extremely important for natural lawn football fields. The grassroots drainage method is extremely good, but the wants for engineering materials are very strict, and therefore the technical requirements for construction operations are high. If it's not done well, it'll not play a task in seepage and even become a stagnant layer.
The drainage of artificial turf is usually within the sort of seepage and drainage. The underground seepage system is closely integrated with the structure of the location . Most of them are within the sort of blind ditch (an underground drainage channel). The drainage slope of the outdoor ground of the synthetic turf foundation is controlled at 0.3% ~ 0.8%, the slope of the synthetic turf site without water seepage function isn't quite 0.8%, the slope of the syntheticturf field with water seepage function is 0.3%, and therefore the ditch of the outdoor site is usually not but 400㎜.

3. Mandatory drainage method
The compulsory drainage method is to line a particular amount of water filtering pipes within the grassroots.
It is through the vacuum effect of the pump to pump the water within the grass roots into the filter pipe and expel it to the surface of the location , which belongs to the strong system . Such a system allows the gridiron to play on rainy days. Therefore, the mandatory drainage method is important .

If water accumulates on the gridiron , it'll affect the results of the gridiron . Long-term water accumulation also willaffect the lifetime of the lawn. Therefore, it's vital to style the drainage construction of artificial turf in football fields.

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