Riding Arenas Grid System from Leiyuan Company


In the past few years, Leiyuan ridding arena system has been improving riding arena footing performance at the highest levels of equestrian sports. Our mud control system effectively separates the sub base from the footing layer with many benefits.

1. Horse ridding arena grid is a affordable free draining base system for all types of riding arenas.

2. Ridding arena grid system saves excavation and in sub base material which can in many cases be completed without gravel.

3. Plastic flooring grid for ridding arena achieves longer riding seasons and allowing riding in conditions.

4. Leiyuan comfort hoof care grids prevents sub-base mixing with footing and migration of footing , saving need for topping up.


5. The paddock grid can improve riding surface, which means more comfort for the rider and easier on the horse’s joints


6. With the interlocking grids system, horse and rider is safety.

7. The paddock grid system can be quick and easy harrowing down to the grids for professional maintenance.

Please feel free to inquire about leiyuan ridding arenas grid system for your riding arena. When the weather turns bad, Leiyuan paddock grids are the best performing most ride-able arenas around.

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